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Muir Pass and Shelter with miles of snow makes for a tough day.
Kings Canyon National Park
A day of wet shoes, Mather Pass, and a bit of snow fun.
Rae Lakes, wet shoes, and Pinchot Pass. Yep, that about describes the day.
After a quick resupply in Lone Pine, Top Rock and CBS are headed back over Kearsarge Pass and north to Glen Pass.
After 6 nights, it’s time to go to resupply. Oh but what a beautiful trip it is through the Kearsarge Basin, Pass, and beyond.
Forester Pass. Need I say more?
After leaving Rock Creek, Top Rock and CBS needed to make several river crossings.
CBS and Top Rock and reach their first alpine lake, Chicken Spring
Today Top Rock and Rob head north, gain elevation as they reach Dutch Meadow.