A day that starts and ends with wet shoes, from Evolution Creek to Bear Creek, with Seldon Pass in the middle.
2 Replies to “PCT 2019 Day 120 Mile 850 to 871”
Hey Rob and Ken,
Received your PostGram today – what a great surprise! I try to view your daily progress and am super impressed on so many levels. Hiking the PCT is an extraordinary accomplishment all by itself. But documenting the trip on a daily basis is also incredible especially your positive attitude and cheerful presentation. Just as impressive is the production of these daily videos; music, graphics, and voice-over makes them a wonderment I look forward to every day.
Hope you continue to have great weather and good hiking. Be safe.
Hi Doug,
I’m glad you’re enjoying the videos. You right, it’s takes quite a discipline to make sure production happens daily. I’ve gotten some pretty cold hand and arms at night, lying in my sleeping quilt, working to document the day’s efforts. What’s more amazing it that I have the tools to do what I can on the trail. I’ve got a lot more capability at home, but I think the timeliness of getting the video ready daily beats the upside of having more tools at home. Again, glad you’re enjoying them. I look forward to getting together with you and Ellen upon our return. Fair winds, Rob
Hey Rob and Ken,
Received your PostGram today – what a great surprise! I try to view your daily progress and am super impressed on so many levels. Hiking the PCT is an extraordinary accomplishment all by itself. But documenting the trip on a daily basis is also incredible especially your positive attitude and cheerful presentation. Just as impressive is the production of these daily videos; music, graphics, and voice-over makes them a wonderment I look forward to every day.
Hope you continue to have great weather and good hiking. Be safe.
Hi Doug,
I’m glad you’re enjoying the videos. You right, it’s takes quite a discipline to make sure production happens daily. I’ve gotten some pretty cold hand and arms at night, lying in my sleeping quilt, working to document the day’s efforts. What’s more amazing it that I have the tools to do what I can on the trail. I’ve got a lot more capability at home, but I think the timeliness of getting the video ready daily beats the upside of having more tools at home. Again, glad you’re enjoying them. I look forward to getting together with you and Ellen upon our return. Fair winds, Rob