PCT 2021 Looking Good


Wish us luck. Our applications for permits to continue our hike of the PCT were submitted this week. We should hear if they are approved within the next 3 weeks. If approved, we’ll start in early June, where we left off in 2019, with the intent of hiking the remaining distance to Canada, roughly 1700 miles.

Earlier this year, I reserved a permit for the initial, short section from Tuolumne Meadows to Sonora Pass in northern Yosemite through the National Park Service (using recreation.gov). Yosemite is a popular destination and has quotas on all of the major trailheads.

With that reservation in place, we could move our PCT Long-distance permit request to a less congested location. I’m optimistic that the PCTA permit will be issued since we’ve selected a trailhead that has no quota limit on the number of people that can enter each day.

Applying for the two separate permits was also a timing thing. I could make a reservation with the National Park Service before I could apply for a permit at the PCTA.

Still, for this entire trip to work, we need:

  • the tide of Covid-19 to recede to ensure the safety of the trail towns and trail angels,
  • snowfall to remain light in the Sierra Mountains so that the trail is passable when we start,
  • wildfires this summer to remain small so that we don’t have to leave the trail, and
  • next winter to come slowly so that we can reach Canada before the snow makes progress too difficult for us boys from Southern California.

I’m confident 2021 is going to be great!

Fair winds!

PCT 2020! A Long SOBO Section (March Teaser)

Top Rock and CBS are itching to get on the Pacific Crest Trail again. However, it may be months before the snow returns to a ‘reasonable’ level for backpacking. In 2020, we’re hoping to travel 1155 miles southbound (SOBO) from Mt. Hood in Oregon. Starting that far north, we likely will be starting very late in the spring. We plan to hike to Tuolumne Meadows in the eastern portion of Yosemite park in California. Last year we ended at Tuolumne Meadows while hiking north. Start watching for daily updates once summer arrives.

Fair Winds,

PCT 2019! March Teaser – Fit It In

It’s the final days before departing to the trail head. It’s a good time to make sure everything has a home in our packs or on our bodies. For the desert section, Rob’s is carrying or wearing 131 separate items (including the pack). Ken count is 107. It will be interesting to see how many of those items make it to Canada. Stay tuned. The trek is about to begin.

PCT 2019! Eight Things I’m Doing Differently

Dateline: Vista, CA (20190112)

Last year, I planned plan to hike California, but failed. However, I did section hike close to 700 miles of it, split between the desert and the Sierras. This year, I’m planning to Thru-Hike from Mexico to Canada. Mountaincat8 asked what I’d be doing different. Here’s a short video on the top eight things I’ll be doing differently this year.

Fair winds

PCT 2019! Teaser

PCT 2019!

Unending adventures!

Having failed to complete trekking the 1700 miles of California, Rob is upping his game and this time being joined by his son Ken. Up next: Thru-hike the Pacific Crest Trail. 2660 miles from Mexico to Canada. Get ready to share their experiences starting in late March of 2019.

Check out the teaser video below.

Have fun and Fair winds!

PCT 2018: Back to the Trail

Dateline: Kennedy Meadows Campground, Lone Pine, CA (20180716)

It has been a while, but I’m headed back to the trail.  The PCT has been calling.  Or maybe those are just the voices in my head.  I’m headed into the Sierras and there is little cellular coverage and Wi-Fi is rare.  So, you’ll have to wait for video and pictures, but you can keep track of my progress at Find Rob.

Fair winds

Climb A Deer?

Dateline: Estes Park, Colorado (20180415)

Trek Training Deer Mountain Trail Rocky Mountain National Park

With 2 weeks and 2 days left before embarking on the Pacific Crest Trail, I had the opportunity to take another quick training hike with my son Ken, the Task Master.  To date, all of my training has been near sea level in temperate Southern California conditions.  At sea level, I can put in the miles and achieve the elevation gain.  However, jumping up to 9000′, putting on a pack, dropping the temperature, and hiking on snow was something I wanted to do to test both myself and some of my gear.  Conclusion: New clothing tech is AMAZING and I’m ready to go!

For the record:

Fair winds

Pacific Crest Trail Information Sources and Tools – My Favorites

Dateline: Vista, CA (20180422)

My PCT launch date is looming.  I’ve been getting educated and planning for the last seven months.  Data has been gathered from books, web pages, YouTube videos, blogs, and movies.  Reflecting on actionable resources, below are my favorite information sources and tools for executing my PCT adventure. Continue reading “Pacific Crest Trail Information Sources and Tools – My Favorites”