After enjoying the hiker friendly town of Wrightwood, Rob and Ken are back to the trail. However, hiking plans on the PCT are never as firm as they seem when their being made.
2 Replies to “PCT 2019 Day 32 Mile 389 to 395”
Wow! Thought it about time to check in at Day 32 (April 28) although I’m typing on May 6th!! Just letting you know we are still here- I picked this one cause I found it an extremely ‘challenging’ day just watching your almost 20 miles of major changes/flexibility during a 12 minute video! Both of you amaze me that you can still have some humor on a day like this one (and love seeing/hearing Ken talking/sharing more). Sorry both of you were experiencing knee issues … glad you made it thru a tunnel without a car coming thru (made me nervous although you both had it under control! lol). And looking forward to ‘catching’ up with you on your last entry on May 2nd!! Let’s see if I can do that today?!?!
I’m glad to report that even with the bigger miles, both Ken’s and my knees are doing ‘ok’. As Ken says, “It’s not healed. And long miles on a downhill is a bad thing.” However, that being said, we’ve been making some very big miles the last few days. Stay tuned. Fair winds, Rob
Wow! Thought it about time to check in at Day 32 (April 28) although I’m typing on May 6th!! Just letting you know we are still here- I picked this one cause I found it an extremely ‘challenging’ day just watching your almost 20 miles of major changes/flexibility during a 12 minute video! Both of you amaze me that you can still have some humor on a day like this one (and love seeing/hearing Ken talking/sharing more). Sorry both of you were experiencing knee issues … glad you made it thru a tunnel without a car coming thru (made me nervous although you both had it under control! lol). And looking forward to ‘catching’ up with you on your last entry on May 2nd!! Let’s see if I can do that today?!?!
I’m glad to report that even with the bigger miles, both Ken’s and my knees are doing ‘ok’. As Ken says, “It’s not healed. And long miles on a downhill is a bad thing.” However, that being said, we’ve been making some very big miles the last few days. Stay tuned. Fair winds, Rob