Posted on April 15, 2019April 22, 2019PCT 2019 Day 19 Mile 209 to 227 Leaving PCT Section B behind, Ken and Rob begin trekking through Section C which includes Big Bear and ends at McDonald’s on the I-15. This Section has a wide contrast of environments from desert to alpine.
Posted on April 14, 2019April 10, 2019PCT 2019 Day 18 Mile 197 to 209 The need to resupply drive Rob and Ken to Banning after reaching the end of PCT Section B (Interstate 10). Strong gusting winds causing a completely sleepless night drive them to Morongo for a night. Section C starts tomorrow.
Posted on April 13, 2019April 10, 2019PCT 2019 Day 17 Mile 191 to 197 After a couple of Zeros, Rob and Ken are anxious to get back to the trail. However, it’s not an easy hike.
Posted on April 12, 2019April 10, 2019PCT 2019 Days 15 & 16 Double Zeros Nursing a troublesome knee and the desire for some gear changes, Ken and Rob take a Double Zero in Idyllwild.
Posted on April 10, 2019April 6, 2019PCT 2019 Day 14 Mile 164 to 169 Well, this day didn’t go at all as originally planned. However, as we learned later, lady luck was guiding our adventure. Smart choices end in smart results.
Posted on April 9, 2019April 6, 2019PCT 2019 Day 13 Mile 152 to 164 For some, 13 is considered an unlucky number. For our 13th day, we hold a different thought as we continue to make our way north on the PCT.
Posted on April 8, 2019April 6, 2019PCT 2019 Day 12 Mile 137 to 152 It’s a long way to Canada. However, to get there by foot, it’s just one day at a time.
Posted on April 7, 2019April 6, 2019PCT 2019 Day 11 Mile 119 to 137 Heading north, the PCT adventure continues
Posted on April 6, 2019April 6, 2019PCT 2019 Day 10 Mile 109 to 119 After taking a zero day, Rob and Ken are on the trial again, this time leaving from Warner Springs.
Posted on April 4, 2019April 1, 2019PCT 2019 Day 8 Mile 105 to 109 After a peaceful nights sleep, Ken and Rob make their way to Eagle Rock and then on to the end of PCT Section A at Warner Springs. They meet up with friends along the way. After which, they’ll take a zero day.