Slow Trekking

Dateline: Vista, CA (20180310)

5 mph or less.  Surprisingly, the world gets much more interesting at that speed.  Having proved it to myself with a sailboat, I’m about to see if it holds true with my feet.

In my hands, I’m holding a long-distance permit that allows me to start hiking the Pacific Crest Trail on May 1, 2018.  The trail is roughly 2650 miles.  It crosses:

    • 6 ecozones,
    • 48 wilderness areas,
    • 60 mountain passes,
    • 25 National Forests, and
    • 6 National Parks.

While it’s my feet doing most of the walking, this is not a one person trip.  Rose is providing strong support, well beyond just a crazy amount moral support.  She’s agreed to meet me with provisions at various way points.  By the time we’re done, she’ll see three times the miles that I will see.  Only, she’ll be doing them a lot faster than 5 mph!

Fair winds

12 Replies to “Slow Trekking”

    1. I’m at the gate, champing at the bit. However, much like the Baja Ha-Ha, there’s a start date looming in the future. One big difference is that we were getting ready for the Ha-Ha right up to the start date. For the PCT, I’m ready to go now, nonetheless still have to wait for May 1st! The clock ticks slowly when its being watched.

  1. Thank you for being brave enough and driven enough to dare to take on these adventures and to share the experiences with the more timid at heart (the rest of us).

    Wishing you a safe and wonderful next journey.

    Ann and Jim

  2. What an incredible journey. Thank you for the opportunity to travel with you once again.

    Missy and Rick

    1. Glad to have the two of you along for the adventure! It will be different from sailing, but also much the same.

    1. I can’t wait to start recording it! And Rose can confirm my anxiousness. I’ve got my gear ready, test packed the backapack a couple of times, and been training enough to know I’m ready to get started. However, now I have to wait for May 1st. Ugh!

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