8 Replies to “PCT 2019! February Teaser”

  1. Best “trailer” ever! And once again, we got no notice that you had posted this on Feb 11th. ?? 8-(

    But slowly learning before I end up emailing or texting you and/or Rose to ask, “Are you getting ready to head out on the PCT since it’s ‘almost’ the end of March??”, I decided to check your awesome website. And BINGO!! There was the best, very clever, “trailer”!!
    And more then “Fair Winds”, I’m hoping it’s more like “Fair Skies!!” and no rain! 😎

    1. Thank you Sharon. Yes! We are in the very final stages of preparing to get on the trail. There is still a lot of snow and ice out there, even in Southern California (Check out https://sanjacjon.com/). However, I hope some of it melts away as we make our way north and with the official start of Spring. Glad you’re coming along with us! Fair winds.

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