Climb A Deer?

Dateline: Estes Park, Colorado (20180415)

Trek Training Deer Mountain Trail Rocky Mountain National Park

With 2 weeks and 2 days left before embarking on the Pacific Crest Trail, I had the opportunity to take another quick training hike with my son Ken, the Task Master.  To date, all of my training has been near sea level in temperate Southern California conditions.  At sea level, I can put in the miles and achieve the elevation gain.  However, jumping up to 9000′, putting on a pack, dropping the temperature, and hiking on snow was something I wanted to do to test both myself and some of my gear.  Conclusion: New clothing tech is AMAZING and I’m ready to go!

For the record:

Fair winds

Pacific Crest Trail Information Sources and Tools – My Favorites

Dateline: Vista, CA (20180422)

My PCT launch date is looming.  I’ve been getting educated and planning for the last seven months.  Data has been gathered from books, web pages, YouTube videos, blogs, and movies.  Reflecting on actionable resources, below are my favorite information sources and tools for executing my PCT adventure. Continue reading “Pacific Crest Trail Information Sources and Tools – My Favorites”

PCT 2018 Trekking Intro VLog

Dateline: Estes Park, CO (20180418)

I hope to be producing  video logs of my PCT adventure.  In preparation, I made my first-ever Video Blog (Vlog) to introduce the trip, record some of my early expectations, and for me to learn about the available Vlogging tools.  Suggestions are welcome.

Fair winds

I’m Moving Towards a Plant Based Diet

Gorilla Eating Plant

Dateline: Vista, California (20180406)

In the title of this blog, the emphasis should be placed on the word ‘Towards’.  I’ve always liked vegetables and fruits.  So, it’s pretty easy for me to stear my diet that direction.  However, I’m far from being a purest in this pursuit.   Nonetheless, when reasonable options are available, I’m choosing to eat plants more than anything else these days. Continue reading “I’m Moving Towards a Plant Based Diet”